Wednesday, November 30, 2011

David Beckham: Pemain Indonesia Hebat!

Pertandinggan LA Galaxy melawan timnas Selection, kedudukan akhir tidak berubah. Di babak kedua, kedua tim masih mengandalkan line up utama. Pelatih Rahmad Darmawan (RD) tetap menaruh Kurnia Meiga di bawah mistar. Sementara, Andik Vermansyah tetap dimainkan.

Sesekali Andi melakukan terobosan ke gawang LA Galaxy. Namun di menit ke-3, Andik digantikan Oktovianus Maniani. Sementara pelatih LA Galaxy , Bruce Arena menggantikan Robbie Keane yang di babak pertama mencetak gol.

RD juga memasukkan Bambang Pamungkas dan M Ilham, mengantikan Firman Utina dan Patrick Wanggai untuk menggedor permainan timnas.

Dalam laga babak kedua itu, kedua tim saling menyerang. Timnas Selection bahkan beberapa kali menciptakan peluang. Namun hingga babak kedua berakhir, kedudukan tidak berubah, LA Galaxy tetap unggul 1-0.

Di akhir permainan, David Beckham, sang bintang, dalam wawancaranya mengakui permainan anak-anak Indonesia cukup atraktif.

“Mereka bisa memainkan sepakbola dengan baik. Bahkan, mereka membuat lini belakang kami kerepotan. Kami sendiri juga kesulitan menembus pertahanan pemain Indonesia. Mereka hebat,” puji Bechkam.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Daripada Rokok, Titus Bonai Pilih Kunyah Kapur Sirih

AN Uyung Pramudiarja - detikHealth

Titus Bonai (detikHealth)
Jakarta, Bintang sepakbola Indonesia, Titus Bonai membocorkan rahasianya untuk selalu jauh dari rokok. Daripada merokok, ia lebih suka mengunyah kapur sirih dicampur buah pinang (menginang) dan terbukti cara ini membuatnya tak pernah merasa butuh rokok.

"Itu rasanya sama saja seperti rokok. Kapur sirih saja, sama pinang tidak usah pakai tembakau lalu dikunyah begitu saja. Jangan merokok," kata Tibo, panggilan akrab pria kelahiran Papua ini seusai jumpa pers di Yayasan Jantung Indonesia, Kamis (24/11/2011).

Berkat kebiasaan uniknya itu, Tibo merasa tidak butuh untuk coba-coba merokok. Kalau kebanyakan perokok menghisap tembakau hanya agar merasa rileks dan meredakan stres, Tibo mengaku juga bisa mendapatkan efek tersebut dengan mengunyah pinang dan kapur sirih.

Kebiasaan ini merupakan tradisi sebagian warga Papua yang diwariskan turun temurun dalam keluarganya. Tak mengherankan jika kemudian ia mengatakan, keluarganya adalah keluarga yang bebas asap rokok karena semuanya pilih mengunyah kapur sirih daripada merokok.

Seperti yang pernah diberitakan detikHealth sebelumnya, dauh sirih seperti yang sering dikunyah Tibo adalah antiseptik alami yang baik untuk kebersihan rongga mulut. Rutin mengunyah sirih disebut-sebut bisa mencegah bau mulut serta risiko sakit gigi.

Sementara itu, endapan kapur yang biasanya dikunyah bersama daun sirih juga kemiliki kandungan kalsium yang cukup tinggi. Diyakini, kapur yang dalam Bahasa jawa dikenal dengan istilah 'enjet' ini bisa membantu menjaga kekuatan gigi dan tulang.

Satu-satunya efek samping dari mengunyah kapur sirih mungkin hanya air ludahnya yang berubah menjadi kemerahan. Bukan karena kapur maupun sirihnya, melainkan karena kandungan arecoline dalam buah pinang yang memang bisa memberi warna merah pada air ludah.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nama-nama Baru dalam Daftar 40 Orang Terkaya Indonesia

Nurul Qomariyah- detikFinance

- Dalam daftar 40 orang terkaya Indonesia versi majalah Forbes, terdapat nama-nama baru yang masuk. Kekayaan mereka melesat sepanjang tahun 2011 sehingga menggeser nama-nama yang sudah sering muncul dalam daftar ini seperti keluarga Panigoro.

Salah satu yang paling moncer karena baru masuk langsung berada di peringkat 10 adalah Achmad Hamami. Hamami dan keluarga langsung melesat masuk ke posisi 10 dengan kekayaan sebesar US$ 2,2 miliar atau sekitar 20 triliun.

Padahal dalam daftar tahun 2010, Hamami sama sekali tidak masuk dalam daftar majalah Forbes tersebut. Namun dalam daftar 40 orang terkaya versi majalah Forbes tahun 2011, nama Hamami masuk dan langsung berada di posisi 10.

Sebanyak 8 orang masuk dalam daftar 40 orang terkaya Indonesia tahun 2011. Mereka adalah:

1. Ahmad Hamami (US$ 2,2 miliar)

Ahmad Hamami merupakan pemilik perusahaan distributor Caterpillar di Indonesia, PT Tiara Marga Trakindo sejak tahun 1971.

Pria berusia 81 tahun yang biasa dipanggil 'Met' itu telah menurunkan bisnis ke anak-anaknya. PT TMT saat ini dipimpin oleh anak Met yakni Rachmat Mulyana Hamami, yang biasa disapa Muki.

Meski sudah pensiun dan kini buta, Met Hamami masih tetap pergi ke kantor pusat TMT di kawasan Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan setiap pagi.

2. Samin Tan (US$ 940 juta)

Samin Tan merupakan pemilik perusahaan batubara Borneo Lumbung Energi. Samin Tan membantu menambah modal Aburizal Bakrie dengan membeli kepemilikan Bumi Plc sebanyak 23,8% sebesar Rp 8,5 triliun.

Pria berusia 46 tahun itu sangat menikmati hasil dari bisnis batubaranya. Ia juga merupakan pemilik Renaissance Capital.

3. Djoko Susanto (US$ 1,040 miliar)

Djoko merupakan mantan rekanan Putera Sampoerna di bisnis ritel. Pria berusia 61 tahun itu merupakan pemilik PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya yang menguasai jaringan Alfamart, Alfamidi dan Lawson.

Bersinarnya bisnis perdagangan ritel telah berhasil menaikkan kekayaan Djoko hingga 2 kali lipat menjadi US$ 1,040 miliar.

4. Benny Subianto (US$ 900 juta)

Benny merupakan seorang ahli teknis mesin yang memiliki karir panjang di Astra International dan United Tractor. Ia berhasil masuk ke jajaran orang terkaya setelah menjadi pemilik saham Adaro Energy.

5. Soegiarto Adikoesoemo (US$ 770 juta)

Soegiarto merupakan pemilik AKR Corporindo. Pada tahun lalu, ia menjual Sorini, perusahaan produsen sorbitol dan produk petromikia ke Cargill senilai US$ 247 juta.

Ia juga memiliki perusahaan properti, AKRLand Development yang mengoperasikan hotel di Bali dan Manado.

6. Kuncoro Wibowo (US$ 730 juta)

Pemilik PT Ace Hardware Indonesia itu sukses membangun bisnis yang ditinggalkan oleh ayahnya. Pria berusia 55 tahun itu dibantu oleh 5 saudaranya melakukan ekspansi bisnis warisan ayahnya ke perdagangan, impor, distribusi peralatan teknis.

7. Muhammad Aksa Mahmud (US$ 710 juta)

Aksa Mahmud merupakan pemilik Grup Bosowa. Pada awal tahun ini, Bosowa menjual 23% sahamnya di Nusantara Infrastructure kepada Peter Sondakh.

Aksa kini membangun pabrik semen kedua di Maros, Sulawesi Selatan. Ia juga memiliki investasi di agribisnis, termasuk lahan padi 100.000 hektar di Papua.

8. Handojo Santoso (US$ 630 juta)

Handojo, 47 tahun merupakan pewaris dari Ometraco Group, yang kemudian diubahnya menjadi Japfa Comfeed, produsen pakan ternak terbesar kedua di Indonesia. Dalam 5 tahun terakhir, pertumbuhan penjualannya mencapai 21%.

Beberapa nama juga mencatat pertumbuhan nilai kekayaan yang cukup besar seperti Chairul Tanjung yang naik ke posisi 11 dengan kekayaan US$ 2,1 miliar. Pemilik Para Grup itu dalam daftar tahun 2010 hanya berada di posisi 18 dengan harta kekayaan US$ 1,25 miliar.

Namun ada beberapa pengusaha yang terlempar dari daftar tersebut. Mereka antara lain Arifin dan Hilmi Panigoro. Pemilik Medco itu keluar dari daftar 40 orang terkaya Indonesia setelah kehilangan setengah dari kekayaannya seiring merosotnya harga saham Medco Energi. Forbes menuliskan, mereka hampir menjual kepemilikan sahamnya pada tahun lalu namun gagal.

Pengusaha lain yang juga keluar dari daftar adalah Kusnan dan Rusdi Kirana (pemilik Lion Air) dan Projogo Pangestu (Barito Pacific). Sementara Aburizal Bakrie mencatat penurunan kekayaan terbesar hingga Rp 10,8 triliun.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

SEA Games XXVI Ajang Mengais Rezeki Bagi Masyarakat Palembang

Mohammad Resha Pratama : detikSport

detikcom - Palembang, SEA Games XXVI yang dihelat di Palembang tak hanya jadi ajang bagi atlet untuk mengais medali sebanyak-banyaknya. Namun bagi warga lokal, event ini jadi kesempatan besar untuk menambah pundi-pundi uangnya.

Selama 11 hari, mulai dari tanggal 11 hingga 22 November, Palembang mendapat kesempatan menggelar pesta olahraga antara negara se-Asia Tenggara. Jelas medali serta raihan juara umum adalah incaran setiap negara.

Namun "kegembiraan" sepertinya tak hanya jadi milik para atlet yang berlaga saja, masyarakat Palembang memanfaatkan SEA Games kali ini sebagai kesempatan emas untuk mendapatkan untung sebesar-besarnya.

Sebagai contoh, warga Palembang yang mempunyai rumah lebih ternyata menyewakan rumahnya kepada awak media yang ingin mendapatkan tempat tinggal selama meliput SEA Games.

Informasi yang dihimpun detikSport, jika biasanya dikenakan biaya sewa Rp 10 juta per bulan, maka selama SEA Games harganya meningkat hingga Rp 20-25 juta per bulan.

Demikian juga dengan ruko-ruko yang disewakan untuk LOC (panitia lokal) SEA Games, harganya bisa mencapai 35 juta per bulan, jika sebelumnya pada hari biasa sekitar Rp 20 juta sampai Rp 25 juta per bulan.

Sama halnya dengan penyewaan kendaraan bermotor seperti mobil bisa dikenakan biaya sekitar Rp 900 ribu hingga Rp 1,5 juta per harinya, dari biasanya sekitar Rp 350 ribu hingga Rp 500 ribu per harinya.

Untuk motor, biaya sewanya yang jika hari biasa hanya sekitar Rp 50 ribu, kini bisa mencapai Rp 100 ribu per hari selama penyelenggaraan SEA Games. Sementara itu untuk hotel yang biasanya dikenakan biaya Rp 350 ribu untuk kamar tipe Deluxe per malam, misalnya, maka untuk SEA Games dikenakan biaya Rp 765 ribu per malamnya.

Sudah bisa diperkirakan bukan berapa keuntungan yang bisa didapat masyarakat lokal di sini selama perhelatan SEA Games? Untuk diketahui saja, hotel-hotel berbintang di Palembang sudah full-booked beberapa hari sebelum upacara pembukaan, begitu pula dengan rumah-rumah warga.

Frank Lampard Profile And Biography (Chelsea Midfielders)

Frank James Lampard Jr. was born in Romford, London, England, June 20, 1978, Lampard came from a legendary football player. Apart from his father, his uncle Harry Redknapp is also named one of the former West Ham United. Redknapp is now the manager of Tottenham Hotspur in the Premier League. Lampard's cousin, Jamie Redknapp defends never played Southampton, Tottenham Hotspur, Liverpool and AFC Bournemouth before finally retiring in 2005 due to frequent injuries. Lampard fell in love with a Spanish model Elen Rives have called him a baby girl named Luna Coco Patricia Lampard, who was born on August 22, 2005.

Lampard began his career at West Ham United, where his father worked as an assistant coach. In July 1994, he joined West Ham youth team. He signed his first professional contract on July 1, 1995. In October 1995, Lampard joined Swansea City on loan. He makes league debut on October 7, 1995, during a 2-0 win over Bradford City. He recorded nine league appearances with one goal for Swansea City before returning to West Ham in January 1996.

Lampard's debut with West Ham United took place on January 31, 1996 during match against Coventry City. A year later, he suffered a broken bone injury in his right leg against Aston Villa on March 15, 1997 which makes it had to rest a while. Lampard's first goal for West Ham United's place in the 1997-98 season when away match against Barnsley. Lampard managed to penetrate the main squad West Ham United's 1997-98 season. One season later, he played all season until the 1998-99 West Ham United entrenched in the ranking of the five final standings.

Lampard joined Chelsea for a fee of £ 11 million, on May 15, 2001. Lampard at Stamford Bridge appearance tend to be slow, but it is often surprising. While undergoing a third season with Chelsea, along with the arrival of Roman Abramovich, he managed to make itself as one of the best midfielders in Europe.

Lampard's debut for Chelsea is the pre-season game against Leyton Orient on 26 July 2001 and scored his first goal on the other preseason games against Northampton Town, which was won by Chelsea with a landslide score of 7-1, on August 1, 2001. His debut in the Premier League is on August 19, 2001, when Chelsea's 1-1 draw against Newcastle United. In his first season to join Chelsea, he just did not join the competition and scored seven goals in all competitions.

Lampard has scored 89 goals for Chelsea until March 31, 2007, making it a top scorer in the club and included in the top 10 overall. He also became the most prolific midfielder in Chelsea's history to score after successfully surpassed record ever made by Dennis Wise, the 76 goals, on December 17, 2006. He scored his first hat-trick for Chelsea in the FA Cup three against Macclesfield Town on January 6, 2007. In an interview conducted after successfully winning the FA Cup, Lampard said that he would not 'last forever' in Chelsea. Since then, she started rumored to be joining Juventus, where his old coach, Claudio Ranieri. He is also rumored to have been bought by Real Madrid for 25 million pounds. The rumors grew stronger as Lampard's agent stated that Lampard has not signed a memorandum of a contract extension with Chelsea.

In the early days of his career, Lampard has been overseen by Peter Taylor, coach of England Under-21 national team at the time, and eventually appointed him as part of a team. U-21 debut Lampard was on November 13, 1997, in the game against Greece. He captained England Under-21 national team in Europe U-21 Champions in 2000. His last appearance Caps U-21 was in June 2000 in an away match against Slovakia. Lampard scored nine goals in joining the U-21 team that is only surpassed by Alan Shearer and Francis Jeffers (both scored 13 goals).

Lampard's first appearance to defend England's senior team was on October 10, 1999 against Belgium in Sunderland in a friendly match. He played for 76 minutes in a match which England won with the score 2-1. He was replaced by teammate Dennis Wise. Unfortunately, he was not selected in the squad of 23 players who defended Britain in the event the Euro 2000, nor in the 2002 World Cup finals in South Korea and Japan. Lampard scored his first goal for England on 20 August 2003 in a friendly match against Croatia which England won with a score of 3-1.

He was included in the squad who parachuted in Euro 2004 in Portugal. England reached the quarter-finals, also thanks to the work done Lampard. He scored three goals in four games. With Paul Scholes's retirement from the world of international soccer persepak, Lampard finally put in a squad formed by Sven-Göran Eriksson, scoring five goals while defending Britain in the 2006 World Cup qualifiers, and wear jerseys numbered 8 was previously worn by Scholes.

At the 2006 World Cup, the game Lampard is considered less than satisfactory so many widely criticized by the British media. He fired a 24 shot on goal in the tournament, 10 of them off, and no one has managed to break down the wicket. England coach Sven-Göran Eriksson, defending it by saying, "He worked tirelessly for our victory. Kick more accurately than any player in this competition, it's certainly unusual for us. I do not want to criticize, no matter what the problem is. "

Lampard full play in five games to defend Britain in the 2006 World Cup. He was one of three England players other than Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher (both from Liverpool FC), which they successfully pushed a penalty kick by Portugal goalkeeper Ricardo Pereira, during the penalty shootout against Portugal in the World Cup quarterfinals on July 1, 2006.

He also studied Spanish, which led to rumors that he will move to La Liga until he denied it and argued that it is done only for the sake of the family because his wife was a Spaniard. In addition, he also wants his daughter one day be able to master two languages. In July 2006, the newspaper The Sun published his autobiography entitled cukilan book Totally Frank in serial. The book was peeled secret personal life and his reaction when his appearance in the 2006 World Cup was heavily criticized by the media. Lampard has two cars, the Aston Martin DB9 and Ferrari 612 Scaglietti. He also has two dogs, both French mastiff type, named Daphne and Rocco.

MotoGP History The World Sport Racing Legendary

MotoGp News History World Sport Collection - Motorcycle racing world championship for the first time organized by the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM), in 1949. At the time it traditionally has held several races at each event for various classes of motorcycles, based on engine capacity, and class for sidecars.

The classes that exist when it is 50cc, 125cc, 250cc, 350cc, and 500cc single seater for the motor, as well as 350cc and 500cc sidecars for motorcycles. Entering the 1950's and throughout the 1960s, 4-stroke motorcycle engine dominates the entire class. In the late 1960s, the motorcycle-engined 2 not begin to master the small classes.

In the 1970's 2-stroke motorcycle engine really get rid of 4 stroke engines. In 1979, Honda attempt to restore the engine 4 stroke by lowering the top class motor NR500, but this project failed, and in 1983, even Honda was winning with his 2-stroke 500cc motor.

In 1983, 350cc class finally abolished. 50cc Class 80cc later replaced by a classroom in 1984, but the class is often dominated by riders from Spain and Italy was finally abolished in 1990. Class sidecars are also excluded from the world championships in the 1990's, leaving the 125cc, 250cc, and 500cc classes.

GP 500, the premier class of Grand Prix motor racing, has changed dramatically in 2002. From the mid-1970s until 2001 the top class of GP racing and is bounded 4-cylinder engine capacity of 500cc, both types of engines 2 stroke or 4 stroke. As a result, are able to survive the 2-stroke engine, which incidentally generate power and greater acceleration.

In 2002 to 2006 for the first time allowed manufacturers to increase the total capacity of special machines for a maximum of 4 stroke engine 990cc, 800cc and turned into the 2007 season. Manufacturers are also given the freedom to choose the number of cylinders that are used between three to six with a certain weight limit. With the motor permissibility cc 4 stroke air-large, the GP 500 class renamed to MotoGP. After 2003 no longer exists 2-stroke engine that fell in the MotoGP class. For 125cc and 250cc classes in particular are still using the 2-stroke engine.

Racing for the MotoGP class is currently held as many as 17 series in 15 different countries (Spain held a three race series). Regular races held every weekend with several stages. Held Friday free practice and first official practice, then on Saturday held the second official practice and QTT, in which the drivers try to make the record the best time to determine their starting position.

Race itself was held on Sunday, although there was a series that was held on Saturday is in the Netherlands and Qatar. Grid (row starting position) consists of three riders per line and usually every racing series, followed by about 20 racers. Racing held for about 45 minutes and riders compete over a specified number of rounds, without entry pits to change tires or refuel. Racing will be repeated in the event of a fatal accident in the early races. The composition of the grid does not change according to qualifying results. Racers may enter the pit, if only to replace the motor because of rain during the race.

MotoGp History

Motor racing contest contest has been known since 1900. At that time managed by the FICM (Federation Internationale des Clubs Motocyclistes) referred to as his great-grandfather FIM today. Competition conducted dieropa dominant technological developments, especially because the motor has not so global in those days. FICM formed in 1938 announced a dieropa motor racing championship. But the plan did not go smoothly due to collide with the outbreak of world war two. After the war new motor racing championship back to life, slowly but surely competition has begun venturing into the international level. MotoGP championship finally officially organized in 1949, divided by four main classes, namely classes 500cc, 350cc, 250cc and 125cc.

Logged mat first MotoGP world championship was won by Leslie Graham joined the team AJS Porcupine (500cc), Freddie Frith on Velocette team (350cc), Bruno Ruffo on the Moto Guzzi team (250cc) and Nello Pagani at the Mondial team (125cc). That decade the Italian manufacturing, Mondial and Moto Guzzi and MV Agusta Gilera together dominate the MotoGP race. The peak is about the 1950 MV Agusta not half-hearted they swept four different classes in three consecutive seasons (1958-1960).

And for 17 years of dominance in the 500cc never been solved as a manufacturer who could win the class of kings were continually since the year 1958 to 1974 until the crown was slowly eroded by Japanese manufacturers began to exist after World War II. Japanese motorcycles began to boom in 1960. Through the three brands at that time Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha manufacturer terrorized Italy in all 125cc, 250cc and 500cc (1960).

For the rider, the end of 1960 comes the reply of a name is quite prominent because of his achievements is Giacomo Agostini. year 1960 was a historic year for Giacomo Agostini. That year he began to carve his name in the history of MotoGP.

Giacomo Agostini is the most successful rider of all time (only Valentino Rossi, who approached his record). Golden age when he rode the MV-Agusta (1968). Because of the high cost of forcing the Japanese manufacturer withdrew join MotoGP and Yamaha only remaining at the time. Until the early 1970s their new re-join. At that period the world title contested by European manufacturers (Bultaco, Kreidler, Morbidelli, and MV Agusta) American (Harley Davidson) and Japan (Yamaha, Honda, Kawasaki).

The dominance of MV Agusta was a little disturbed by the motors from Japan. After nearly 12thn break back Honda MotoGP arena (mid 1970) and in around 1983 they changed the philosophy of the engine switch engine 4tak 2tak (V3 500) is more famous for its NS500. Honda NS500 successfully deliver a world champion for the first time through the joint dimotogp rider Freddie Spencer.

Year 1980-1990 was a year when the Japanese manufacturer is dominating. In the years that the quality of motor racing entered the stage of modern technology with the level of competition is very tight. The fight between the yamaha brand, Honda and Suzuki produce classic duel-duel that very interesting. Logged Eddie Lawson, Randy Mamola, Freddie Spencer, Wayne Rainey and Kevin Schwantz is a brilliant rider-rider at that time. Generation of 500cc and above in 1990 was dominated by Michael Dohan the NSR 500. Doohan managed to carve a record five-time world champion until an injury forced him to retire early from the arena of MotoGP (1999).

After the Italian rider fading echoes of post Agostini in 1997 appears Valentino Rossi . Rossi is a world champion rider 500cc 2tak cover in the series before it was changed to 4tak 990cc engine. On his journey level 990cc engine is too tight so that the FIM issuing new regulations to cut the rate by safety objectives (based on the experience of death Daijaro Kato on April 2003).

become effective in 2007 MotoGP engine do downgrade again to 800cc until now. Analysis of FIM officials were wrong, because the 800cc machines were not more quietly than 990 machine (technological advances), especially in the strong devour the corner so that the discourse of race being deliberated for the return of premium-class motor racing is returning to 990cc in 2012.

Motor Grand Prix Organizations

MotoGP racing success is inseparable from the organizations involved in it Several organizations joined in the Grand Prix Commission, among others, FIM, Dorna, IRTA and MSMA.

FIM (Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme) is the highest body in the world to take care of things about motorcycles. FIM standing in 1904 was not only deal with motor racing, but also became superintendent of production motorcycles are sold en masse, especially about the safety and feasibility. In motor racing events, the FIM is the agency in charge of and responsible regarding the regulatory and technical aspects of the race, also on the status, extent, and the criterion of a motor racing championship.

Dorna is MotoGP race organizers organization, or in other words is the promoter Dorna MotoGP championship. Dorna is responsible for the quality of the event and also take care of event sponsors.

IRTA (International Road Racing Team Association), a member of this organization consists of teams who follow the MotoGP race. This organization serves to channel the aspirations of the team and the drivers are incorporated in it. With this organization riders can provide input and determine the rights and interests, including contract value, safety and feasibility of the circuit.

MSMA (Motorcycle Sports Manufacturer Association) is an organization comprised of the MotoGP motorcycle manufacturers who follow the MotoGP championship, such as Honda, Yamaha, Ducati, Suzuki, Kawasaki, and other manufacturers. The function of this organization, among others, to decide the technical regulations regarding the regulation of the motor along with other organizations who are members of the commission Grand Prix.

MotoGp Specification

Any regulations regarding each race class is formed by the FIM as the organization authorized to do so. FIM forms and issuing new regulations are deemed in accordance with the development of the race. At the beginning of a new era of MotoGP in 2002, motorcycle-engined 2-stroke 500 cc and 990 cc 4 stroke allowed for use in the race. Virulence power of the motor 4 stroke engine that powered 2 stroke motors outperform rid of all 2-stroke engine of competition, and the subsequent racing seasons there is no more 2 stroke motors are used.

In 2007, FIM will impose new regulations that the MotoGP bikes will be limited to 4 stroke 800 cc. The reason given by the reduction in engine cylinder capacity is to increase driver safety, given the power and speed of the resulting peak MotoGP machines has increased dramatically since 2002. Current MotoGP speed record is 347.4 km / h which is printed by Loris Capirossi on a Ducati motorcycle circuit Catalunya, Barcelona in 2004. For comparison the current F1 speed record is 369.9 km / h which is printed by Antonio Pizonia with BMW cars, the Monza circuit in 2004.

The decision to limit the choice of a 800 cc engine capacity (rather than with other methods of power restrictions, such as reducing the amount of overdrive transmissions are permitted) according to observers Honda MotoGP is very profitable. Honda uses a five-cylinder engine, and only need to reduce one cylinder to fix their machines to suit the new regulations, while other manufacturers have to redesign all of their machines. Restricted to 800 cc also caused controversy that seems current motors are used in a 1000 cc superbike championship to be the fastest in the motor racing circuits around the world.

Machines used in the 125 cc class is limited as much as a cylinder and with a minimum weight of 80 kilograms, while the 250 cc class is limited as much as two cylinders with a minimum weight of 100 pounds.

Motor-bike for the MotoGP class are allowed to use the machine with the number of cylinders between three and six-cylinder, and there are variations in the weight restrictions depending on the number of cylinders used. This is due to an engine with more cylinders, power output is also greater, and the weight limit increase. In 2006 the machines used in MotoGP are four-and five-cylinder engine. Honda uses a five-cylinder, while Yamaha, Ducati, Kawasaki, and Suzuki use a four cylinder.

These motors are used in motor Grandprix made not only for racing only, but also as an opportunity to showcase the power and technological advancement among manufacturers. As a result the entire MotoGP machines are made by using materials that are very expensive and as light as titanium, and carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic. These motors are also using technology that is not available for public consumption, for example, is a sophisticated electronic devices including telemetry, engine management systems, traction control, carbon disk brakes, and engine technologies are adopted from the modern F1 car engine technology.

If the motors are used in the MotoGP class only competed at world championship level, motors are used in the class 125 cc and 250 cc are relatively more affordable. The price of a motorcycle of 125 cc or less the same with a car. These motors are often used in national motor racing championships around the world.

One of the major challenges facing some of the drivers and engineers MotoGP MotoGP bike is how to deliver exceptional engine power - more than 240 horsepower (179 kW), through the contact points of two tires and the asphalt surface of a circuit with a width of only about a human arm. As a comparison of the F1 car produces over 950 hp (700 kW) but with four tires, so having a point of contact with the asphalt surface ten times wider than a MotoGP bike.

Recent regulatory changes

In 2002, the 500 cc class was replaced into the MotoGP, the motor capacity of 990 cc.

In 2005, a new rule for MotoGP has enacted the flag-to-flag. Previously, if a race starts with a start in dry circuit conditions and the rain falls, the leading rider can lift a hand to stop the race, so also with the officials waving a red flag to stop the race, then the race began again using wet tires. Now if the rain falls during the race no longer a red flag, the drivers directly to the pits to change tires at the discretion of the team.

In 2007, the MotoGP class derived engine capacity, to 800 cc.

In 2010, imposed restrictions on the MotoGP class machines 6 engine for a season.

In 2010, the 250 cc class was replaced by a classroom moto2 with prototype engine 4 stroke 600 cc.

In 2012, the MotoGP class increased engine capacity, to 1,000 cc.

Monday, November 14, 2011

SEA Games XXVI Hari Keempat SEA Games, JSC Terus Berbenah

Taufik Wijaya - detiksport

- Panitia pelaksana SEA Games XXVI di Jakabaring Sport City (JSC), Jakabaring, Palembang. Mereka ingin mewujudkan SEA Games XXVI di JSC yang bebas dari polusi karbon, asap rokok, termasuk pula debu.

Usaha berbenah itu, misalnya, terlihat hari keempat gelaran, Senin (14/11/2011), dengan keberadaan sejumlah mobil pemadam kebakaran yang terlihat membersihkan debu yang melekat di sejumlah ruas jalan.

Selain itu, penjagaan ketat juga dilakukan terhadap semua kendaraan pribadi maupun angkutan umum yang berniat masuk ke JSC melalui pintu depan. Sementara pintu belakang ditutup untuk semua kendaraan.

Hasilnya hampir semua area parkir di Jakabaring dipenuhi kendaraan. Bahkan parkir dadakan terjadi di bundaran Tugu Parameswara, di sepanjang jalan Gubernur HA Bastari, maupun di sejumlah halaman kantor pemerintah di luar JSC.

Tidak itu saja, setiap pengunjung yang mau ke JSC diperiksa oleh petugas. Bila kedapatan membawa rokok dan korek api gas, para petugas memintanya untuk ditinggalkan. Dua kotak plastik disiapkan petugas buat menampung rokok dan korek.

"Kalau sudah keluar nanti, rokok-rokok boleh diambil lagi," kata seorang petugas.

Sehubungan dengan pembenahan tersebut, pihak panpel juga diharapkan dapat melakukan pembenahan lain dalam hal penyediaan transportasi dan informasi untuk para jurnalis yang bertugas.

Menyoal transportasi, keberadaan media centre yang berjarak sekitar 1 kilometer dari pintu JSC membuat sejumlah jurnalis yang tidak memiliki kendaraan atau pelayanan transportasi harus berjalan kaki.

Selain itu, saat tiba di JSC tidaklah mudah untuk mendapatkan angkot dan becak sebab dua angkutan itu tampaknya tidak mencukupi buat melayani para tamu.

Bukan tidak mungkin para tukang becak yang ada sudah cukup terkuras tenaganya untuk melayani para pengunjung. Sementara angkot yang mangkal di pintu gerbang pun jumlahnya terbatas.

"Besok kita akan membahas kemungkinan adanya angkot khusus bagi jurnalis, yang pulang-pergi dari media centre dan JSC," ucap seorang panitia dari Inasoc Pusat.

Sementara mengenai informasi, para jurnalis juga mengalami kesulitan untuk mendapatkan jadwal atau hasil pertandingan di setiap venue. Walhasil mereka harus mencari sendiri data tersebut dan kebanyakan petugas di venue mengaku tidak tahu jika ditanya meskipun mereka berada di media centre venue.

Yang sangat mengalami kesulitan tentunya para jurnalis asing, karena tidak sedikit yang tak mengerti bahasa Inggris atau sebaliknya.

"Sebaiknya para petugas media centre di setiap venue berdiri di depan pintu masuk, dan memberikan fotocopy data kepada setiap jurnalis yang masuk, Sangat mudah menandai jurnalis, lihat saja dari id cardnya," saran seorang jurnalis dari Thailand.

( tw / krs )

Top 10 Racing Circuit In The World

Every race in the title in a circuit will surely bring a miracle for the watch directly from the circuit. Circuit is an arena that is used exclusively for motor sports. Historic circuits usually provide extra sensation and excitement for the racers and fans, while some modern circuit there is a subject of criticism and controversy because it is considered monotonous or ugly.

In this world there are many circuit races scattered around the world. Each of these circuits have different characteristics. There is a special formula car, nothing special for the racing oval, there is also a special race motor. Here we put forward 10 exciting circuits in the world that until now still exist and provide extra sensation for anyone who had the opportunity to visit it.

1. Spa-Francorchamps (SPA, BELGIUM)

This circuit is a lot of so-called circuit riders as one of the most challenging of all the F1 racing circuit ever. For the fans, this circuit also became the most popular circuits because of its location in the middle of the forest interior. The length of the circuit was originally reached 14km, but due to safety factors, then the circuit and then trimmed to length in just 7 km. Michael Schumacher became the most frequent rider wins in Spa with a total of six times throughout his career victories.

In addition to the F1 race used, these circuits are also used for the Spa 24 Hours endurance races and DTM race. The most famous corner of this circuit is that ascends Eau Rouge.

2. Monte Carlo (Monaco)

This circuit was in the streets of Monte Carlo and La Condamine around the port of Monaco. This circuit is more attached to the name "Monte Carlo" because most of the circuits in the area of ​​Monte Carlo, Monaco's capital. This circuit is used within one week every May of each year to host the Formula 1. Racing is a supporter of Formula 1, GP2 series also follows the race at the same time.

The idea of ​​a Formula 1 race on the streets of Monaco came from Anthony Noghes, president of the Monegasque car club and close friend of the ruling Grimaldi family. Inaugural race was held in 1929 and was won by William Grover-Williams driving a Bugatti. Until now, Ayrton Senna became the most frequent rider won the race in Monaco, which stood at 6 times the victory.

3. CIRCUIT Le Mans (Le Mans, France)

Circuit de la Sarthe or Circuit is also known by the name of Le Mans, is a circuit which is located in located near Le Mans, France. This circuit is known as one of the longest circuits in the world with a total length of 13.629 km. This circuit is one of the legendary circuit that is always held annually endurance race 24 Hours of Le Mans.

Besides used Le Mans race, the circuit is short, or known by the name of the Bugatti circuit is often used as the venue for the MotoGP race and had also hosted the French Grand Prix F1 race.

4. Indianapolis Motor Speedway (INDIANAPOLIS, USA)

This circuit includes a versatile circuit that can be used in oval racing or road racing in the race. One of the oldest in the history of the race circuits of the world which was built since 1909. Part of this circuit is well-known stretch of brick neatly located at the starting line. In addition visitors can also enjoy this circuit panoramic golf course near the circuit and racing museum.

This circuit is the host of the famous Indianapolis 500 race, but it could also be used as host F1 GP from 2000 to 2007 and since 2008 also used for the MotoGP race. Other races are held in this circuit is the NASCAR Brickyard 400 was held in late July.

5. Nurburgring (Nurburg, GERMANY)

The circuit you usually see today in the media is a form of mini original circuit has a length of 22 km and 176 bends. This circuit has a characteristic that is an old castle which is right in this circuit. This circuit itself has four separate configurations, namely Circuit Gesamtstrecke ("Whole Course") which has a length of 28,265 km (17,563 miles), Nordschleife ("Northern Loop") with a length of 22,810 km (14,173 miles), circuit Südschleife ("Southern Loop" ) with a length of 7747 km (4814 miles), and Zielschleife ("Finish Loop") with a length of 2281 km (1417 miles).

6. Autodromo Monza (MILANO, ITALY)

This circuit is located in Monza, on the outskirts of Milan, Italy. This circuit has a length of 5793 km. Used to race Formula One, GP2, 1000km Monza, Superbike, Formula 3, and the World Touring Car Championship. This circuit was first opened in 1922. This circuit is more often used for Formula 1 racing car, except for 1980 when the circuit is restored.

Besides used for F1 racing, the circuit has also been used for the MotoGP race and is now a permanent host WSBK race. This circuit is known as a fast circuit and during the race (any kind) took place, racers can hit the gas pedal fully. Because speed is also some riders have died in this circuit, one of which Count Wolfgang von Trips in 1961 that also took the victim regular audience of 14 people.

7. Silverstone (Northamptonshire, UK)

This circuit is a mute witness to the birth of a Formula 1 race in 1950. In F1, Michael Schumacher's circuit gives a bad memory when he had an accident in this circuit in July 1999 that continues with a broken leg injury.

This circuit was opened in 1948 with the initial conditions of the time as a former military airfield kingdom United Kingdom. Since then various kinds of renovations done to the circuit starts to look less like the airfield, and the recent renovations done in the 2010 season as a wide range of race stopover in this circuit in addition to F1 like: MotoGP, and the Superleague Formula.

8. Laguna Seca Mazda Raceway (CALIFORNIA, USA)

Being outside the U.S. mainland, this circuit can be called as the famous circuit in North America. Played host to racing contest as MotoGP, WSB and AMA racing. Laguna Seca is dominated by the legendary canting, Corkscrew corner, a derivative of a downward spiral that makes it difficult every TV camera that is said to be the opposite of Eau Rogue in Spa Belgium. Ruas lap Andretti hairpin at Laguna Seca a unique obstacle for the racers. Along the 2238-mile circuit has 11 turns and is located in the forest park in California, USA.

Another race held at Laguna Seca in addition to the race IndyCar motor racing. In the early 1990s, had no idea of ​​moving to the U.S. F1 GP circuit. But as it is considered too short and narrow, the idea was eventually canceled.

9. CIRCUIT Isle of Man (Isle of Man, UK)

The Isle of Man is a unique island located between England and Ireland yangmemiliki own parliament, laws and tax systems. After the financial crisis of the world, the island is mostly inhabited by bankers and automobile and motorcycle racer. Now who often stayed there just the drivers alone.

TT racing circuit Course first opened in 1907, and the race is still done today but with the route covered roads. It's not all segments of rural valley road, a bumpy road and a beautiful texture, make this island as a haven for even the craziest biker who wants to be free-free speeding police. Modern circuits along the 37.5 mile TT Course, plus a 200 bend ready to devoured by anyone. But the speed and freedom of speeding is often times bring casualties. Recorded to date was 237 riders were killed when they followed the motor racing in the "circuit" is.

10. Daytona International Speedway (FLORIDA, USA)

This circuit is a racing circuit located in Daytona Beach, Florida, United States. First opened in 1959, this circuit has become a classic in the race the NASCAR circuit through the event Daytona 500. This circuit has three configurations: 2.5 miles (4.0 km) tri-oval shaped, 3:56 miles (5.73 km) that is usually used for Formula racing cars, and 2.95 miles (4.75 km) Special motor circuit. In this circuit all the drivers Dale Earnhardt Senior was killed in 2001 when he suffered an accident on the last lap of the race. Racer Richard Petty's record as a driver most often win on this circuit with a total of 7 times the victory.

Besides used as a NASCAR race, the circuit is also used as the host race Rolex 24 at Daytona, a racing legend who became one of the attractions for European racers to get to know the other side of the race in the U.S.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Best Of The Best Football Club In The World

Football is the most popular sport on earth. Almost in all corners of the earth, this sport is played by human beings. Today football has become a global mega-industry. Appearance of the best clubs in the world, capable of siphoning millions of viewers. Here is a list of five best football club in the world:


Who does not know this Catalan club. Today they are regarded as the best club in the world. It is not just based off of nicks title they won in recent years, but also induced super beautiful game that they always act out when playing. Their best achievements are won six trophies in a year, something that has not been obtained by other clubs in the world.

2.Real Madrid

European Champion title holder 9 is one of the best clubs in the world. His ambition to stop the dominance of their main rivals, Barcelona, ​​Madrid re-rolling the project makes "Galacticos" by buying the best players in the world. Not only that, the owner of the La Liga title is also contracted most of the world's best coach, Jose Mourinho to realize their ambitions.

3. Manchester United

Holding the trophy ever Premier League title with Liverpool, Manchester city club is king of the British League in the last 20 years. Under the control of Sir Alex Ferguson, nicknamed the Red Devils team that is very consistent competed in local and European level. This year the possibility of Manchester United will overtake Liverpool's achievement in holding the Premier League trophy.

4.AC Milan

Holders of the Champions League title after Real Madrid's second largest. Currently Milan are on the very top of the Serie A. The transition from position coach to Alegri Leonardo as well as several large transfers to make Milan a chance to displace the dominance of Inter Milan in the last 5 years.

5. Juventus

Although not in the best condition at this time, the club is nicknamed The Mistress Big League is the best club in Italy. Case bribery scandal known as calciopolli forcing Juventus relegated for the first time to serie B. Today, the pride of the city of Turin club is struggling back to the ranks of elite European clubs.

That review of the list Best Of The Best Football Club In The World 2011 , it's just an opinion you also may have a different opinion, any important difference is that we remain the same and one heart, now you may be interested to listen to this Top 10 Best Football Defender In The World  . Thanks Good Luck! :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Api Obor SEA Games XXVI Sampai di Palembang Taufik Wijaya - detiksport

- Api obor SEA Games XXVI akhirnya tiba di Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Senin (7/11/2011), pagi, dengan mendapat sambutan meriah.

Sekitar seribu warga Palembang tampak menyambut obor SEA Games XXVI yang tiba di Pelabuhan Boom Baru, Palembang, sekitar pukul 8.15 WIB.

Obor itu sendiri dibawa turun dari kapal KMV Tunas Wisesa 3 oleh mantan pebulutangkis nasional Icuk Sugiarto.

Acara penyambutan ini dipimpin Gubernur Sumsel Alex Noerdin, Walikota Palembang Eddy Santana Putra, bersama para penari yang terdiri dari para pelajar SD, SMP dan SMA di Palembang.

Penyambutan api obor SEA Games tersebut juga kian dimeriahkan dengan aksi dari tim drum band dari SMA Negeri 1 Palembang.

Selanjutnya, obor akan dibawa berkeliling Sumatera Selatan oleh Pelatih Pencak Silat Abas Akbar, yang juga pernah beberapa kali unjuk gigi di pentas dunia.

( tw / krs ) 

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Thursday, November 3, 2011


Jakarta - Tarif sms vote Pulau Komodo tengah menjadi sorotan karena ternyata berbayar, padahal diinformasikan gratis. Mobilink, content provider dari SMS Komodo ini menyebut penentuan tarif sepenuhnya ada di tangan operator.

"Tarif itu ada di masing-masing operator. Kita (mobilink) hanya menyediakan konten. Kita tidak tahu menahu mengenai tarif," tutur Owner Mobilink, Dody Prata dalam perbincangan dengan detikcom, Jumat (4/11/2011).

Dody mengaku pihaknya sama sekali tidak memiliki kewenangan untuk membicarakan dan menetapkan tarif. Besarnya tarif sms, lanjutnya, merupakan hasil pembicaraan antara panitia pemenangan Komodo dengan operator.

"Kita tidak dilibatkan dalam pembicaraan tarif," tegasnya.

Sebelumnya, pakar telematika dari UIN Abimanyu 'Abah' Wachjoewidajat menilai ada sejumlah kejanggalan dalam vote SMS dukungan pulau Komodo itu. Keganjilan itu menurut Abah, dimulai saat gembar-gembor di media jejaring sosial, twitter bahwa SMS Komodo ke 9818 gratis, namun pada kenyataannya tidak gratis melainkan bayar Rp 1.000.

Sebagai tindak lanjut, Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia (BRTI) akan memanggil content provider Mobilink yang diduga melakukan penyedotan pulsa pada vote untuk Komodo. Anggota BRTI Heru Sutadi mengungkapkan, pihaknya akan menanyakan kepada Mobilink terkait komplain masyarakat seputar berbayarnya layanan vote for Komodo tersebut.

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Baseball Stadiums Most Luxurious In The USA

For the people of America, baseball is not just a spectator or just leisure activities in his spare time. Baseball is a true love America.

Activities throwing, catching, and hitting the ball in a baseball game could happen anywhere, from school field with a sad sight to the stage of luxury with a touch of sweetness millions of dollars.

Of the approximately 140 existing baseball stadium in America, this is the third best stadium will probably make you fall in love with the spectacle of the evening's most favorite in America.

Citizens Bank Park (Philadelphia Phillies)

Philadelphia Phillies professional baseball team is the pride of Philadelphia. They formed in 1883 and until now has never changed its name. Now the name of the Philadelphia Phillies can not just hold the record for the longest name in the history of American professional sports, but also has become a franchise for the city of Philadelphia. When they travel to Philadelphia, visit the stadium Citizens Bank Park, a mansion built for the Phillies in 2004. When dusk arrives and cheers echoed the match starts, make sure you have the best position to enjoy the action of the Phillies by sitting in rows A through G behind home plate, at the Diamond Club. To enhance the experience of your evening, enjoy a culinary tour also at Citizens Bank Park with eating a hoagie (submarine sandwich typical of Philadelphia), barbecue turkey thighs, cheesesteaks, and sandwich The Schmitter exceptional phenomenal for the citizens of Philadelphia.

AT & T Park (San Francisco Giants)

There are no bad seats at baseball stadiums with views of the bay and the sunset is. Cage for the San Francisco Giants team was originally named Pacific Bell Park, then turned into SBC Park and finally now become AT & T Park after officially baptized on March 3, 2006. In addition to functioning as baseball's most happening venues in San Francisco, AT & T Park stadium is also used as a concert stage renowned artists such as Dave Matthews Band, Green Day, The Rolling Stones, Metallica, Bruce Springsteen, Interpol and The Cure. Digital versions of this stadium is used as a gig venue in Guitar Hero World Tour and of course a place to audition for American Idol. While enjoying the panorama of AT & T Park and the San Francisco Giants in action, do not forget to enjoy a special snack at this place: Giants dogs, Gilroy garlic fries, and grilled crab salad sandwiches.

Safeco Field (Seattle Mariners)

Completed in 1999 with funding of up to $ 517 million, Safeco Field stadium offers a beautiful view of Puget Sound, Mount Rainier, downtown Seattle and Space Needle. At the time the weather was warm and the sky looks bright, its roof made of a combination of the three panels will be opened to present the views of the perfect evening. In order to support you against the Seattle Mariners to be more tasteless, do not forget to bring Ivar's fish and chips, bento boxes, vegetarian burritos, and chocolate covered strawberries snack before seeing the game the Mariners.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

HASIL LENGKAP LIGA CHAMPIONS ( 2 / 3 - Oktober 2011 )


GENK  (1)



APOEL  (2)
PORTO  (1)






BASEL  (1)

LYON  (0)

AJAX  (4)
ZAG  (0)